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How To Help

Sponsor the Georgia Tree Council

Sponsor the Georgia Tree Council.

Your sponsorship helps the Georgia Tree Council provide educational programming, resources, and leadership in urban forestry throughout our state.   We thank you for helping us sustain Georgia’s green legacy as we partner with individuals, organizations, and communities in raising awareness toward improving and maintaining Georgia’s community forests.

To become a Georgia Tree Council sponsor here online:
1) Click on the levels below to learn of the opportunities for each level. Choose your level of support.
2) On the next page, choose the quantity (1) and click "Add to Cart."
3) Follow the prompts for payment.

The Georgia Tree Council sincerely thanks you for your support of urban forestry in Georgia.

Levels of Support

For additional sponsorship opportunities, please contact or call 470-905-8650.

Georgia Tree Council is a 501 (c) 3 organization, and its FEI # is 58-2028386. Contributions to the Georgia Tree Council are tax-deductible to the extent determined by the IRS.  For your records, you will receive a letter acknowledging your donation. Per the Georgia Secretary of State’s office, Georgia Tree Council is required to send, upon request, a full and fair description of its programs as well as a financial summary consistent with that filed with the state.

We invite you join the outstanding group of partners who sponsor Georgia Tree Council's urban forestry programs.  Click on their logos below to learn more about them.