Community Forestry Assistance Program with Georgia Forestry Commission
The Georgia Tree Council works in partnership with the Georgia Forestry Commission’s Community Foresters to connect communities with a qualified urban forestry consultant that will help effectively manage urban forestry projects and provide additional thorough, hands-on assistance from start to finish.
Projects include:

- Certifying as a new Tree City USA, Tree Campus USA or Tree Line USA.
- Conducting tree inventories and writing urban forest management plans for communities or urban greenspaces.
- Developing or revising tree ordinances.
- Understanding tree risk and developing local and regional community forest storm mitigation plans.
- Receiving tree care training for municipal tree workers and tree boards on pruning, tree selection, tree planting, trees and construction and becoming a certified arborist.
- Green stormwater infrastructure planning, tree canopy studies and iTree analyses.

To participate in the Community Forestry Assistance Program, send a one-page proposal including project objectives, activities, partnerships, time line and budget to Joan Scales. Projects will be selected based on needs and funding availability.