ISA Certified Arborist® Exam Course Webinars
The Georgia Tree Council and the Georgia Forestry Commission now offer those interested in becoming an ISA Certified Arborist® the opportunity to view recordings of our ISA Certified Arborist® Exam Course Webinars online. Over seven recorded webinars, instructors and certified arborists Rob Swanson and Susan Russell help attendees prepare for the exam with talks covering Tree Biology, Tree Identification, Soil Science, Water Management, Tree Nutrition and Fertilization, Tree Selection, Installation and Establishment, Pruning, Tree Support and Lightning Protection, Diagnosis and Plant Disorders, Plant Health Care, Tree Assessment and Risk Management, Trees and Construction, Urban Forestry, Tree Worker Safety, and Climbing & Working in Trees. Viewers also learn about eligibility for the exam and taking the exam. These courses are geared toward those who are not yet certified arborists; no CEUs are offered.
STUDY GUIDE: Attendees should read through the ISA Arborist Certification Study Guide to prepare for these sessions and the exam. The Arborist Certification Study Guide is available at www.isa-arbor.com and www.amazon.com. Attendees will be responsible for completing their own application for the exam.
There are seven webinars. Each webinar is 2-3 hours.
Registration fee: $75
SCHOLARSHIPS: The Georgia Forestry Commission is offering scholarships to cover the cost of registration for this 7-session online ISA Certified Arborist® certification review course presented by the Georgia Tree Council. The scholarship is being offered to Georgia tree board members and tree care workers employed by a Georgia city, county, school or university who are not ISA Certified Arborists. To download a scholarship application, click here.
To register to view the webinar recordings, fill out the form below, choose payment amount, and click "Submit."
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